Going on Vacation? Don’t Forget to Prep Your Home

Last updated June 20, 2024
If you’re headed on vacation, your to-do list is likely already a mile long. But an equally valuable pre-vacation checklist focuses on your home: what needs to be covered while you’re away so you can relax and enjoy your time off, and so you come back to a secure home that’s just as you left it.
There are two categories of home preparation you should carve out time to check off before you head off for vacation:
- Home security checklist
- Home maintenance checklist
For obvious reasons, security should be your biggest priority. More than one million residential break-ins take place each year, and July and August are the worst months for burglaries.
10 Things to Do to Prevent Break-ins While You’re on Vacation
Don’t Appear to Be on Vacation
- Stop your mail service and pause your newspaper delivery while you’re away. An overflowing mailbox is an immediate signal that you might be out of town.
- Consider asking a few of your neighbors to take turns parking their cars in your driveway to have it look like someone is home.
- Set your indoor and outside lights on timers so that your home is well-lit as it gets darker out.
- This might sound odd, and be difficult to commit to, but it’s a good idea to refrain from posting about vacation while you’re away. Burglars know their victims in approximately 65% of burglaries. Alerting everyone you know to the fact that you’re away can put your home at greater risk of a break-in.
Put Yourself in a Burglar’s Shoes
What we mean is, walk around your property to evaluate your home from the perspective of a potential burglar. Are there easy points of entry like an unlocked main floor window or garage? Can you see anything valuable inside the home from the windows? Are there overgrown trees, shrubs, or fences that enable a discreet break-in?
Invest in a smart home security system. Add some additional reinforcements such as C-clamps for your garage door or jammed treads on sliding doors.
Remove any hidden spare keys from flower pots, or under door mats. Consider leaving a spare key with a trusted neighbor or family member if you anticipate needing someone to gain entry while you're gone.
Related read: “How to Choose a Home Security System for Your House”
You feel confident that your home is secure. Your bags are packed. Now for the not-so-urgent but good-to-do checklist of giving your home a quick clean. Your post-vacation self will thank you.
Pre-vacation Maintenance Checklist:
- Clean out your refrigerator for anything that will expire or spoil while you’re away
- Take out the trash to avoid lingering odors and prevent attracting pests
- Set your thermostat to a temperature that conserves energy but protects your home from extreme temperatures
- Unplug non-essential electronics to prevent power surges
- If you’re concerned about leaks or burst pipes, shut off your main water valve
- Put away or secure any outdoor furniture (and anything outdoors that could be stolen)
A few hours of prep covering both cleanliness and security can get your home in good shape for your vacation. With a tidy property that’s safeguarded, you’ll be able to truly relax and enjoy your time off—and return to a welcoming home.
Now that you've taken the proper steps to protect your home, learn how to protect your home equity. Create your Home Equity Dashboard account today.
You should know
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