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Benefits of a home equity investment

July 1, 2022

The Mortgage Reports

Tapping your home equity can have big benefits.

Maybe you want to consolidate high-interest debt or pay off your student loans. Perhaps you want to fund a costly home improvement project or make a down payment on an investment property. Or you’re ready to launch a new business venture. Whatever the reason, liquidating home equity can offer a quick cash solution.

A home equity investment can also provide an option for homeowners who may not qualify for other home equity loans or simply don’t want to take on debt.

“Perhaps you are self-employed or have variable income. Or maybe you are temporarily unemployed or dealing with unexpected medical costs. As interest rates and the cost of debt increases, home equity investments become especially appealing to a wide range of homeowners because there are no monthly payments or interest attached,” says Rachel Keohan, vice president of Marketing for Boston-based Hometap.

This article originally appeared on The Mortgage Reports. Read the article here.